Our Products:
Polilight Flare Plus 2
Product Comparison
Polilight® Flare
The new Polilight®Flare series of high intensity semi-conductor light emitters (LEDs) continues the 16-year tradition of Rofin Forensic Light Sources (ALS).
The Polilight®Flare has a sleek design to enable it to fit snugly into the carry/protection pouch, or even your top pocket to make it highly portable.
Polilight®Flare uses the most powerful LEDs available today. The LED is able to produce a collimated beam with typical 1400 mWatts of optical power, and the sophisticated optics incorporate a cut-off filter to remove the bandpass tail of the output. Collimating optics results in a crisp output spot with even intensity for best evidence contrast.
Each Polilight®Flare incorporates rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries which give 2 hours of strong continuous use at full power (Polilight®Flare still puts out light after 4 hours continuous use).
The sleek "smart" bench top recharger is microprocessor controlled to ensure efficient and safe charging of the batteries, preventing overcharge. A display indicates the charging progress and a unique power sensor allows Polilight®Flare light output power sensing using a scale of 5 illuminators.
Download a copy of the Polilight®Flare brochure (PDF Format)
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